Financial Assistance
Many of those affected by tick-borne diseases have to forgo or delay critical treatment because of financial burdens. Because treatment is often not covered by insurance and extensive travel can be a necessity, financial limitations often dictate treatment options available to many patients. A number of wonderful organizations listed below offer support in various forms to those in need.
(updated 10/28/2014)
HealFundr (Secure 100% verified campaigns devoted to helping people in need of assistance afford medications and other health care expenses)
​Lyme-Tap (nationwide patient assistance to provide assistance for initial Lyme-related lab tests for patients who demonstrate true financial need) ​http://www.lymetap.com/
Needy Meds (dedicated to helping people locate assistance programs to help them afford their medications and other healthcare costs) http://www.needymeds.org/
Demystifying Needy Meds Card (rules for using the above-referenced NeedyMeds Drug Discount Card) http://blog.needymeds.org/2013/06/19/demystifying-the-needymeds-drug-discount-card/#.UcddupVECbA
Lyme disease NeedyMeds Resource Page (streamlines the way those with Lyme Disease find assistance to pay for medications) http://www.needymeds.org/resourcepages/lyme%20disease.shtml
NIH Financial Assistance http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/financialassistance.html
Lyme Aid 4 Kids (Patients under age 21) http://www.lymediseaseassociation.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&id=105&Itemid=340
Lyme Grants http://www.lymediseaseassociation.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=391&Itemid=479
Lyme Light Foundation (Financial Assistance for Lyme Treatment for Patients ages 3-25) http://www.lymelightfoundation.org/grants/
Net Wish (NetWish is the brain child of a successful businessman who set aside a moderate amount of money per month to help those who are less fortunate) http://www.netwish.org/Request_a_Net_Wish.html
"What is Lyme" Resource list http://whatislyme.com/assistance/
GlaxoSmithKline - Bridges to Access (offers GSK medicines to eligible patients at no cost) http://www.bridgestoaccess.com/
Partnership for Prescription Assistance (helps qualifying patients without prescription drug coverage get medications by matching with the right assistance programs) http://www.pparx.org/
Prescription Hope (works with patients and their doctors to help patients get the brand-name medications they need at a price they can afford) https://prescriptionhope.com
GoodRx (go to the website or get the app to get coupons and to find the lowest drug prices at various pharmacies) http://www.goodrx.com/
Rx Assistance (patient assistance program center) http://www.rxassist.org/
Transportation Assistance and Free Air Fare http://www.curesearch.org/resources/resourceservice.aspx?ServiceId=3
Payment to Caregivers (a wealth of information and resources for full time caregiver assistance) http://usodep.blogs.govdelivery.com/2012/11/20/can-full-time-family-caregivers-get-paid/
Free Rx Card http://freedrugcard.us/create-card.html
Modest Needs (provides short-term financial assistance to individuals and families in temporary crisis) https://www.modestneeds.org/index.asp
Clinic of Angels (financial with medical care for chronically ill patients) www.clinicofangels.org
Saving Money on Lab Testing (tips and link to resources to help save money on lab testing) http://lymedisease.org/news/touchedbylyme/save-money-on-labs.html
Government Benefits by State (a list of Government Benefits by State- Select your state from the map for more info) http://www.benefits.gov/benefits/browse-by-state
Feeding America (Nationwide Food Bank Locator) http://feedingamerica.org/foodbank-results.aspx
National Association of Area Agencies on Aging (advocates for older Adults and Disabled Americans) http://www.n4a.org/
Financial Assistance for Canadians with Lyme disease (mission is to alleviate some of the financial burden for Chronic Lyme patients)
Infusing for Lymies (money-saving tips for buying and infusing IV meds, maintaining a PICC line minimizing herx, insurance issues) http://issuu.com/lymeunderground/docs/infusingforlymies
Filing for Disability When You Have Lyme Disease (explanation of some of the factors involved when a Lyme patient files for SSDI) http://lymedisease.org/news/touchedbylyme/ssdi.html
Lesko.com (Various Free and Reduced-cost Health Services) http://www.lesko.com/do-not-wait-for-obama-care.php